Gut Health

How Tragedy and Trauma May Spark Lasting Changes in Your Gut

It's likely - at some point in your life - you've heard someone say they've had "a gut-wrenching experience" or "a pit in my stomach".  

Turns out, our guts and our feelings are closely connected...and not just by the funny little things we say.

In fact, the gut and the brain communicate constantly. So much that scientists even refer to the gut as the “second brain.” 

And researchers have just uncovered a shocking truth…

Difficult and traumatic experiences – especially early in life – cause lasting changes to the gut microbiome (which includes the trillions of bacteria in the gut). And those changes affect everything from the strength of our immune systems to the way we react to stressful situations. (click here to read some of the research)

What’s more, the changes go both ways. What happens to your gut can spark lasting changes in the shape of your brain, which can make you more vulnerable to mental health issues including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression and more.

The good news: Reshaping your microbiome with beneficial spore probiotics may actually help improve your physical and mental health!


The Signs of Trauma in Your Gut

If you’ve experienced childhood trauma, your gut microbiome shows it. People who’ve suffered early trauma (whether it’s a car accident, the death of someone close, child abuse, or another tragedy) have notably different microbiomes than people who haven’t experienced trauma. 

Researchers have uncovered some key microbiome differences. Trauma sufferers tend to have: 

  • Less diversity (fewer different types of beneficial bacteria in the gut)
  • Higher proportions of bad bacteria (pathogens that cause many health issues)
  • Smaller populations of important keystone bacteria, such as actinobacteria, that are crucial for healthy microbiome balance

Those differences can lead to weaker immune systems and long-term digestive troubles.

Here’s the kicker: The microbiome will actually stay in that “trauma state” even when circumstances change. It does not bounce back to it's pre-trauma state (at least not on it's own).

So how can you reset your trauma gut? With the help and support of beneficial spore probiotics! They can make a world of difference in both your physical and mental health.


A Two-way Street Between Gut and Brain

There’s a special highway in your body called the gut-brain axis. Your gut and brain talk to each other constantly. That conversation takes place by way of the vagus nerve, which connects the two.

Both your brain and your gut host special cells called neurons. Neurons send electrical messages throughout your body telling other cells and organs how to function, and what to feel. Most neurons – around 86 billion – are found in your brain, but your gut also houses about 500 million of these cells.

Neurons in your brain “talk” to the ones in your gut, so when you’re feeling upset, you could easily end up with GI (gastrointestinal) issues like stomach aches, diarrhea, or nausea. The opposite also holds true: constant GI distress can ruin your mood and make it harder to cope.


Probiotics & "Feel Good” Brain Chemicals

When your microbiome is out of balance – a condition called dysbiosis – the bad bacteria outnumber the good. And since the good bacteria (a.k.a. probiotics) in your gut produce important brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, the dysbiosis can make mental health issues even worse.

The beneficial bacteria in your gut produce about 90% of your body’s serotonin supply (research). Serotonin – also called the "happy hormone" – greatly affects your mood and influences your:

  • Sleep cycle
  • Libido
  • Appetite
  • Pain reactions

In addition to serotonin, the naturally-occurring probiotics in your microbiome produce a neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which helps you deal with fear and anxiety. Without enough GABA, feelings of fear and anxiety can spiral out of control.

In order to produce plenty of serotonin and GABA, your microbiome needs to be well-balanced (with more probiotics and fewer pathogens) and very diverse. And as scientists now know, early trauma can interfere with that.

In fact, a study conducted on the strains used in Just Thrive showed that these strains reduced ghrelin levels (the hunger hormone) illustrating that these strains are increasing communication between the gut and the brain.

Rebalancing your gut with spore probiotics is the first step toward ramping up production of those “feel-good” brain chemicals. And as an added bonus, spore probiotics also tame GI issues…and change the messages your gut is sending to your brain. (link)


Post Trauma Support: Spore Probiotics

Traumatic experiences are unique and deeply personal – and so is the road to recovery. One factor that may make that road a little easier to travel is a healthy microbiome.

Supplementing with Just Thrive spore probiotics offers the most direct path to a well-balanced gut. Just Thrive includes four clinically proven strains of spore probiotics known to support a healthy, diverse microbiome.


High-Level Support: Precision PREbiotic

And when your gut has been out of balance for a long time – often the case when there’s been early trauma – your probiotics may need an extra level of support.

Prebiotics serve as food, fuel, and fertilizer for beneficial bacteria. And Just Thrive Precision PREbiotic selectively nourishes beneficial bacteria, including vital keystone strains.

Set your microbiome on the road to recovery with Just Thrive spore probiotics today.


