Gut Health

‘Tis the Season for Your Gut Health

The holidays are almost here, and, if you’re like most people, your to-do list couldn’t be longer. Amidst all the rushing about, shopping, cooking, wrapping, cleaning, and hosting, have you found that your self-care slips to the bottom rung of your priorities?

If so, you’re certainly in good company… But... As you know, losing track of your own needs - especially when it comes to your wellness - can cause some inconvenient health issues to crop up. Not surprisingly, the most common challenges this time of year typically involve your gut. 

From eating on the run to sugary holiday treats and cocktails, your gut may be dealing with an onslaught of unfamiliar threats and health hurdles. Plus, with all the excitement, fuss, and stress, it’s easy to forget to give your gut what it needs (like your daily probiotic!) Neglecting good gut support could leave you with diarrhea, gas, bloating, or worse... And you just don’t have time for that right now.

The solution: Don’t fight the current. Incorporate healthy gut habits into the chaos that is the holidays! Thankfully, with the right game plan, you can ensure you’re giving your gut everything it needs to thrive this season and beyond. 

And your first step? Choose the right players for your great gut health team (and avoid the ones that aren’t up to task.)

If It Can’t Stand the Heat, It Can’t Help Your Gut

Suppose you were to look for the premium probiotics in your health food or grocery store... Where would you start your search? Answer: the refrigerated section. 

That’s because most probiotics are super sensitive to temperature. They simply can’t survive heat. Which might make you wonder: If a probiotic can’t survive room temperature, then how can it survive in my 98.6 degree digestive system? 

Fact: They can’t.

The vast majority of probiotic brands on the market – a whopping 99.9% of them – fail to make it from your mouth to gut alive. And if they can’t get to where they’re needed fully intact, they can’t fully do their job of keeping your gut healthy.

Thankfully, certain strains of spore probiotics can. These hearty probiotics are built to endure and survive even the most extreme temperatures, from freezing cold to boiling hot. That’s because spore probiotics are equipped by nature to have a protective casing that shields them from those extremes. 

When you choose clinically proven, DNA-verified spore probiotics, you can be sure they’ll survive the hazards of your digestive system – including bile and stomach acid – 100% alive, robust and potent, and ready to go to work. 

Not only can these particular spore probiotics survive your digestive system, but a quick trip to the oven or the freezer won’t even slow them down. That makes them the perfect addition to mix into any – or every – recipe you’re using this holiday season. 


How To Skip The Pill But Still Support Your Gut

Your gut microbiome contains trillions of bacteria, a combination of beneficial probiotics and harmful pathogens. In a healthy gut, beneficial bacteria vastly outnumber pathogens. And the easiest way to keep your gut in that healthy balance is by taking a clinically proven spore probiotic supplement.

But with so much on your mind at holiday time, it’s easy to forget to take your probiotics. However, forgetting to support your gut while facing extra stressors and sugary treats at every turn means your gut microbiome can get quickly knocked out of balance. And when that happens, you might end up dealing with some unwanted party guests:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Abdominal pain

The solution: Skip the pill and sprinkle instead. 

Because spore probiotics are so robust, you can add them into everything you’re eating and drinking. By doing this, you’ll still get the benefits of probiotics even if you forget to take your daily dose. And since heat and cold don’t bother the spores, there’s no recipe you can’t add them to.

Green bean casserole – check.

Holiday cookies – check.

Grandma’s “gluten free” lasagna – check.

Or how about a tempting bowl of roasted pepper and butternut squash soup? It’s the perfect way to warm up after a day of running around, and makes for a delicious meal when you pair it with gut-healthy vegan yeast-free bread for dipping.

And for dessert – how about a deceptively happy warm chai apple spice cake?

RELATED: Want more probiotic recipes? Check out our recipe page here.

Make Sure There’s Plenty To Eat At Your Gut Health Party

Precision PREbiotic provides the perfect fuel and nourishment for the probiotics (ie: beneficial bacteria) that live in your gut. Plus, they help drive olympic-worthy probiotic performances that are strong and on point, so you get even more out of your gut health regimen. 

Unlike spore probiotics, prebiotics can’t tolerate extreme heat. However – That doesn’t mean you can’t follow the guidance above and include them in your holiday meals. There are a wide variety of treats and beverages that make for the perfect prebiotic playground, so you’ll be able to easily keep the beneficial bacteria in your gut fed and happy all day long.

With some of the recipes below, you can even double up and include both prebiotics and spore probiotics in the mix. That way, you won’t have to worry about your gut health as you’re working to cross things off your never-ending to-do list.

Try adding your Precision Prebiotic and Just Thrive Probiotic to a festively pink fruit bowl. And, for a change of pace, you’ll just love this gut-healthy wild blueberry concoction.

You can mix your prebiotic and spore probiotic into your favorite shake or smoothie recipe. Or add them into your favorite holiday punch or mocktail… the options are as endless as your culinary imagination. 

Let Just Thrive Deliver Gut Health and Happiness This Holiday Season

Give yourself the gift of a worry-free gut and a happy and healthy holiday season – Keep your gut microbiome in healthy balance with Just Thrive Probiotic and Just Thrive Precision PREbiotic. 

Just Thrive Probiotic contains 4 clinically studied, DNA-verified spore probiotic strains including:

  • Bacillus coagulans
  • Bacillus subtilis HU58™
  • Bacillus clausii
  • Bacillus indicus HU36™

Just Thrive Probiotic has 1000x better survivability than other leading probiotics. And that locked-in effectiveness is what lets you use it as a bonus ingredient in all of your favorite recipes.

Just Thrive Precision PREbiotic contains 3 clinically tested prebiotics that selectively support ONLY your beneficial gut bacteria and help maintain balance in the gut microbiome.

Stay on top of your to-do list and never miss a beat with Just Thrive Probiotic and Precision PREbiotic.

core health bundle, probiotic, prebiotic
