Gut Health

Is Gluten the Secret Behind Your Most Frustrating Symptoms?

Brain fog… diarrhea… itchy skin… bloating…

These are just a few of the symptoms gluten can cause, even if you don’t have celiac disease.

Some experts believe that as many as 18 million people struggle with gluten sensitivity – that’s triple the number of people with celiac disease – and most of them don’t know it.

Many people seek relief from going gluten-free, but even that’s not foolproof.  Gluten – which is the main protein found in grains like wheat and rye – is pretty sneaky. It hides out in unexpected places, and even foods labeled as gluten-free can sometimes STILL contain gluten and cause your health to take a hit.

But you can protect yourself against gluten… and help your body address the damage gluten causes… with the right combination of gluten-busting enzymes and gut-supporting probiotics.

7 Glaring Signs of Gluten Sensitivity

As surprising as this may sound, testing negative for celiac disease doesn’t mean gluten can’t hurt you. Millions of people suffer from non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a condition that causes uncomfortable and even painful symptoms – but not an autoimmune response – when you consume gluten.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to diagnose a gluten sensitivity (at least not yet), but if going gluten-free helps erase or minimize your symptoms, you likely have a sensitivity to gluten proteins. 

If you have one or more of these seven common (and in some cases, seemingly unrelated) symptoms, and your doctor can’t find a reason for them, gluten may be the cause. 

  1. Brain fog, difficulty focusing, and memory lapses
  2. Frequent pounding headaches , including migraines
  3. Digestive issues, from diarrhea to constipation to bloating and gas
  4. Anxiety or depression
  5. Itchy or painful skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis
  6. Extreme fatigue
  7. Joint or muscle pain

Moreover, along with all the symptoms above, gluten has also been shown to cause damage to your gut… 

Could Your IBS Really Be Gluten Sensitivity?

While only about 1% of the population is diagnosed as having celiac disease, living a gluten-free life has become extremely popular in the past several years. One likely reason for this is that other bowel-related conditions might be caused or irritated by gluten proteins. One of these conditions is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Both IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and gluten sensitivity can cause painful and often horrendous gastrointestinal symptoms: diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and more. Unfortunately, both of these diseases also lack a reliable test or an established cause, making them difficult to both distinguish or diagnose. 

It’s worth noting that for some people diagnosed with IBS, significant relief can be found when they go gluten-free. 

Gluten Triggers Leaky Gut… in Everyone

Your intestines carefully regulate their borders, also known as the gut barrier. Your gut barrier traps bacteria, viruses, toxins, and other harmful substances inside so they can be safely expelled. At the same time, it allows nutrients and other beneficial compounds out into your bloodstream for distribution. 

It does that with a network of tight junctions (sort of like interlocking puzzle pieces) that stick together to keep harmful substances in, and separate slightly to let health-supportive nutrients out. A protein called zonulin regulates those tight junctions, telling them when to open and close. 

When everything is working the right way, zonulin tells those tight junctions to release nutrients, antioxidants, and other healthy compounds – and also signals them to seal up to keep bad guys (pathogens and toxins) inside.

But when gluten enters the scene, it has been shown to activate zonulin, increasing the space between those tight junctions… 

That opening triggers leaky gut, where toxins and other harmful substances escape through the intestinal barrier into the bloodstream. Known as “Toxic Streaming,” this improper junction function means that bad guys are allowed to travel anywhere in your body, including your critical tissues and organs. In response, your immune system triggers a 5-alarm inflammation fire throughout your body. In the short term, this can help stop the bad guys in their tracks. But if the toxic streaming and inflammation continue, it can spell bad news for your body and your health.

Just a Few Crumbs Can Trigger Symptoms

Say you try going gluten-free, and you notice that you feel markedly better. You’ll likely want to keep the positive momentum going. But that can be harder than most people realize…

It takes less than 100 mg of gluten – about the size of a few bread crumbs – to set off your symptoms again.

And, unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to avoid gluten completely…

  • According to one study, at least 32% of foods labeled as “gluten-free” contain gluten 
  • If a restaurant isn’t 100% gluten-free, it can’t fully guard against cross-contamination
  • Shared pots, pans, and cooking utensils can transfer gluten to otherwise gluten-free foods
  • Gluten-free grains get contaminated with gluten when they’re milled, processed, or packaged on equipment also used for gluten-containing grains (which happens a lot of the time) 

So even when sticking to a strict gluten-free diet, there’s a very good chance you’ll get accidentally “glutened.” Unfortunately, you won’t know it until your symptoms attack!

But with the right gut health regimen – which includes supporting your probiotic bacterial colonies and cleaning up residual gluten proteins in your intestines – you can guard against accidental gluten exposure and give your body the tools it needs to feel its best.

How to Avoid Getting “Glutened”

When you’re sensitive to gluten, even the tiniest bit can sometimes knock you sideways. Thankfully, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences of getting “glutened” in two very important ways:

  1. Break down accidentally-consumed gluten into harmless components
  2. Mop up any residual gluten left in the intestinal tract

To break down gluten before it can cause damage, science has shown that there are two powerful enzymes that can help: DPP-IV and Tolerase-G. Both work synergistically to stop the ill effect of gluten before it can take hold. Once in your body, they act like scissors – cutting gluten proteins into pieces that your body can manage without needing an oversized inflammatory response. 

After the gluten proteins have been handled, the next step is to support the integrity of your intestinal barrier and ensure it continues keeping bad actors like toxins and food particles locked safely in your gut.

One of the best way to do that is with targeted probiotic support:

Saccharomyces boulardii is often categorized as a probiotic, but isn’t your average strain. It’s actually a tropical yeast first isolated from lychee and mangosteen fruit in 1923, and has been shown to promote many gun-related benefits. Research confirms that S. boulardii can:

Bacillus subtilis is a super-powerful spore probiotic that, unlike most store-bought probiotics, can survive the harsh environment of your digestive tract. B. subtilis can produce at least 24 kinds of immune-supportive compounds  that sets the stage for healthy balance of good bacteria in your gut, all while encouraging: 

Bacillus coagulans, another spore probiotic strain, works quickly and effectively to soothe the gastrointestinal tract. When it arrives fully intact in your gut, B. coagulans helps:

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Your Safety Net To Guard Against Gluten Consequences

No matter how careful you are, gluten can sneak its way into your skin or stomach and cause problems. To effectively take control of your health, you need some gluten back up.

Gluten Away provides a blend of powerful enzymes and probiotics, including DPP-IV, Tolerase G, B. coagulans, B. subtilis, and S. boulardii

With Gluten Away, your gut will have the extra support it needs to handle an unexpected gluten visit. That means you can eat your favorite gluten-free foods with more confidence… whether you’re dining out with friends or having a quiet night at home.

Avoid getting “glutened” – Try Gluten Away today! 

